Conférence de Meghan Dennis (University of York)

!!Événement reporté à l’automne 2023!!

Dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec le Département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Montréal à l’hiver 2023 organisée par Katherine Cook et Michael Sinatra, le CRIHN recevra dans son cycle de conférences midi « Humanités numériques & » Meghan Dennis (University of York) qui fera une conférence intitulée « Playful Ethics: Developing Digital Archaeological Ethics in Places of Play » :

Within archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork, there is an established canon of ethical practice in relation to securing access, obtaining informed consent, guaranteeing confidentiality, and promoting the responsible publication of data. This set of norms, however, does not transfer directly over into ethical practice within virtual places, presenting researchers within those venues with new issues of appropriateness to consider. As digital archaeology grows, it is crucial to establish an ethical framework that works within the particular challenges of researching in virtual places and interacting with virtual communities. This talk will address the task of establishing that framework, while taking into account current discussions of digital archaeology as method, practice, and/or situated space.

Meghan Dennis (Ph.D., University of York) is collaborating to develop the Data Literacy Program through Digital Data Stories at the Alexandria Archive and Open Context as the Postdoctoral Researcher for Data Interpretation and Public Engagement. Meghan brings a background in digital archaeological ethics and the impacts of ethical representations of archaeology in interactive media, 20+ years in archaeological and heritage field practice, teaching at the secondary and collegiate level, and experience within the video-game industry. Currently, Meghan is an ethics officer with the Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) organization, where she was involved in designing and implementing the organization’s first code of ethics. Combining her interests in public education, ethical practice, and games media, Meghan aims to develop further research in how the use of interactive media can influence youth participation in ethical interactions with heritage and archaeology.

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La conférence aura lieu en format hybride au Carrefour des arts et des sciences et via zoom.

Les prochaines conférences dans cette série de conférences sont :

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2 avril 2023 à 9 h 35 min.